
Showing posts from October, 2021

नया विद्यालय

मेरे प्रयास और परिश्रम से घर- घर शिक्षा दीप जले।  मेरे विद्यालय के हर बच्चें को अब नई पहचान मिले।

बाल पहेली

बाल पहेली- बूझों तो जाने   1. मोटर,साइकिल या हो कार, मेरे बिना सभी बेकार। गोल-गोल मेरा आकार, गली ,सड़क करुँ मै पार।   2. फूल - फूल मंडराती हूँ , तनिक बात उड़ जाती हूँ । रंग- बिरंगी पंखों वाली, मैं तो रानी बड़ी सयानी।   3. उछल- कूद मैं करता हूँ, कुतर- कुतर सब खाता हूँ । बिल्ली मौसी से डरता हूँ, मैं बिल के अंदर रहता हूँ।   4. धूल- धूप से आँखों को बचाता, सतरंगी यह दुनिया दिखलाता। बुढ़ापे मे जो कभी धुधला दिखता, रोशनी बढ़ाने मे यह काम आता।   रचनाकार:- अभिषेक शुक्ला शिक्षक,सीतापुर   उत्तर- 1.पहिया 2.तितली 3.चूहा 4.चश्मा

Article- corruption

Article:- To what extent is corruption justified? Nowadays everyone is looking for his comfort. Everyone's aim is to get their work done easily. People are also ready to pay the price for their comfort and ease of work and this is the reason for the birth of corruption. Corruption has become a part of everyone's life nowadays. Everyone has accepted it easily. Many efforts are also being made by the government to stop corruption. Many strict rules have also been made by the government to prevent corruption. The Anti Corruption team is also catching the corrupt employees and officials on receiving complaints. They are also being put in jail with punishment.  We need to think that why is corruption still not stopping? Unless the public is aware of it, it is not possible to stop corruption. People easily give big money to the officers to do their work. They not only give money to do their work but also provide valuable things.In return, they get their work done by the officers.